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As set forth in CVC 40220, the Processing Agency will allow payment plan options for people with unpaid parking tickets who can provide proof of indigency.

You may enroll your citations in a monthly payment plan within 120 days of issuance, or within 10 days of an administrative hearing determination. The timeline for completion and minimum monthly amounts due are based on the total amount enrolled in a payment plan. There may be a processing fee for payment plans.

Payment Plans are not available for citations on vehicles that are currently booted or towed.

If approved, all late fees will be removed from the citation(s) and the Agency will set up a payment agreement for the responsible individual to pay outstanding parking tickets owed within a maximum of 24 months. Individuals who fall out of compliance with the payment plan have 45 days to resume before the Agency reassigns late fees and files a hold with the DMV.


Please click to download and print the application: Download. Fill it out and mail with supporting documentation to the address listed on the form.

The application and supporting documentation must be completed and returned to: 

P.O Box 11923 Santa Ana, CA 92711

Note: Documents submitted will not be returned. Include a check or money order for the enrollment fee if indicated on the form.

If your proof is accepted, you will be enrolled in a payment plan and you will be notified by mail. 


Application for this payment plan must be made within 120 calendar days of citation issuance, or within 10 calendar days of an administrative hearing determination (whichever is later).

If approved, $5.00 processing fee must be included with the first payment or added to the payment plan amount.

During the payment plan; all late fees will be waived but reinstated if registered owner fall outs of compliance with the payment plan.

The minimum amount of $25 must be paid monthly. If no payment is received within 45 days; the payment plan will be defaulted; the total amount and all late fees will be reinstated, and a filing of an itemization of unpaid parking penalties and service fees will be sent to DMV.

If defaulted; the registered owner may request to rescind the filing of an itemization of unpaid parking penalties and service fees for an indigent individual, for one-time only, if the registered owner or lessee pays a late fee of five dollars ($5).


  1. A registered owner or person responsible for the citations shall be eligible to enroll in a payment plan with proof of indigent status.
    1. Late fees will be placed in abeyance while in the payment plan, these late fees will be waived once the payment plan is completed.
    2. If additional citations are accrued during the payment plan period, the plan may not be modified to include these citations. A new application must be submitted and processed accordingly.
  2. Once the payment plan is in place and the applicant adheres to its terms, an itemization of unpaid parking penalties will not be filed with the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) and any DMV Registration Hold in place will be temporarily removed.
    1. If applicant defaults on payment plan, the DMV Registration Hold will be reinstated, if applicable.
  3. $5.00 processing fee must be included with the first payment or added to the payment plan amount.
  4. Payments must be made each calendar month.
    1. There will be no grace period for late payments.
    2. For mailed payments, a postmark is acceptable to meet this requirement.
  5.     Payment Plan Duration.
    1. For balances under $500, payments will be $25/month.
    2. For balances over $500, monthly payments will be assessed accordingly

    If you meet the low income payment plan requirements in the attached application form, you may enroll your citations in a monthly payment plan. Late penalties are removed at time of enrollment, but will be reinstated if the plan is not completed.

    Amount Owed Monthly Payment
    up to $500 Not to exceed $25
    $501 or more Determined by Agency


    To qualify for the Low-Income payment plan, you must meet one of the two following conditions.


    1. HHS Poverty Guidelines
      Year  First Person  Each Additional Person  (Four-Person Family)  Page with Complete Details 
      2022 $13,590 $4,720 ($27,750) 2022 Guidelines

    2. You receive public benefits from any of the following programs:

      Supplemental Security Income
      (SSI) and State Supplementary
      Payment (SSP)

      Cash Assistance Program for
      Aged, Blind, and Disabled Legal
      Immigrants (CAPI)

      Supplemental Nutrition
      Assistance Program

      County Relief, General Relief,
      or General Assistance

      California Food Assistance Program

      In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

      Tribal TANF grant




    Please provide a copy of either of the following to verify you meet one of the above conditions. Indigent determination cannot be made without supporting documentation.


    Proof of income from a pay stub or another form of proof of earning, such as a bank statement that shows that the income criteria as listed above are met. Incomplete documentation will result in denial of a payment plan.


    Proof of receipt of benefits from one of the programs listed under Section 2 of the Qualifications.


    Payments must be received no later than the monthly due date or you will be in default of the payment plan.

    Payments may be made online by visiting www.paymycite.com or by mail. 

    Monthly payment reminders will not be sent. You are encouraged to set up your own payment reminders.

    If you default on your payment plan, and don't follow the payment arrangements, the total amount of the citation plus any penalties are due immediately and must be paid.


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